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Starbucks Secret Menu: Cereal Frappachinno Taste Test

We had our coworkers try Starbuck's secret menu items, and the results are NOT what we expected. This is one of several taste test videos I produced during my internship at Gateway Media. 

the "footbag"

This is a video I created during an independent study at Mizzou my junior year. Derrick Fogle is known for his mad "foot bag" skills, and frequently practices on Mizzou's campus in Columbia, Missouri. Fogle has been playing hacky-sack for 35 years and has no plans on stopping anytime soon. 


This is another recipe video example from my internship. No you didn't read that wrong, you really can make these wondrous slices of heaven from the comfort of your own kitchen. 

first football team

This video piece was one of many that I created during a news reporting course at Mizzou. Harrisburg High School, located in Mid-Missouri, finally has their first ever football team up and running as of 2014. 

Produce Cutting Hacks

You've been cutting these fruits and veggies wrong your entire life! We compiled the easiest, quickest ways to slice and dice these tricky produce items. This is another example of the types of videos I created during my internship at Gateway Media. 


This recipe video is one of many that I created at Gateway Media during my internship. We stuffed our french toast with classic s'mores ingredients and transformed "basic" into "basically amazing." 

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